
They really really do...

They really really do...

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Catholic Schools

In Glasgow there are hundreds of Catholic Schools, where pupils can receive a Catholic Education. Religious Studies are taught in a manner which largely favours the RC church.

I have no idea why this is allowed...

The Catholic church expressed great discontent at the voice they had in government a few months ago, Cardinal O'Brien said:

"A tangible example by the government over the last decade that it acknowledged or endorsed religious values would also have been welcomed. Instead we have witnessed this government undertake a systematic and unrelenting attack on family values. "

They have their own schools where they can influence the education our children attain , what more influence do they want ?!
Try responsibility, the schools are state-funded. In my view, this shouldn't be legal. Why doesn't the government fund Jewish Schools, Muslim schools, Hindu Schools etc. ? That way all the children can receive an education based upon their given religion all courtesy of the British taxpayer and we can all grow up 'separate but equal'.

How can the government slam sectarianism so strongly with one hand yet fund separate Catholic schools with the other?

"It's tradition, Catholics worked hard for those schools" -Okay, granted they did work hard to achieve education for their children when they immigrated to Glasgow, and schools were built onto churches. Celtic Football Club started out as a charitable club to fund meals for Catholic children whose families were too poor too afford them. But that was then, and this is now and separation in education is nothing but a fuel for the ongoing hatred between ignorant Catholics and Protestants in the country.

It's a surprise that they even teach about the existence of other religions. Or science - I would have imagined the RC church to replace science with creationism. Sexual Education to be replaced with Celibacy Lessons. The pope last year went on a tour of Africa to preach that condoms were bad, come on...that's just fucked up. Why do we allow this ?!

I believe that all children should be entitled to a free and equal education, even the smelly ones, and it's up to the child what they make of it. It's up to the person to receive the facts and both sides to the stories and to make up their own mind based on what they believe to be right, Biased education is just a total backwards hypocrisy now.

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