Although this blog is titled Reality TV, it is really about entertainment today. What exactly has become of it? So called 'celebrities' are televising their every move and people doing whatever it takes for any form of fame - however good or bad that may be.
Where has the integrity gone? Whatever happened to Jimi Hendrix? Bill Hicks? Jeff Buckley? It seems that integrity is an ever distancing subject and soon, it will be a thing of the past.
Let me quote Bill Hicks:
"Any performer that ever sells a product on television is now and forever and for all eternity removed from the artistic world, I don’t care if you shit Mona Lisas out of your ass on cue. You’ve made your fucking choice.”
If Bill Hicks were alive today to see What Katie Did Next...
Who watches this? Who finds watching society's finest on Big Brother entertaining? If one of these people sat next to you on a train would you give them the time of day?
It's perverse, to watch scum live their lives - every single move.
Philo Farnsworth would be so proud...
Where did it all go wrong ? When did our musicians and other celebrities become this obsessed with any form of short term fame that they had to completely sell out ?
Corporate Imperialism. Everything has become about advertising, morals and money. I wish I grew up in an era when music was about passion, integrity and artistic merit.
I'll keep this short and finish with a video clip of the Extras christmas special, I think Ricky summed it up rather nicely:
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