
They really really do...

They really really do...

Thursday, 26 February 2009

First Scotrail, Fat people

2 things I absolutely hate, as gathered from the title, are First Scotrail, the unreliable overpriced train company, and fat people...

First Scotrail
The funny thing about this company is that absolutely everybody who uses it hates it. I've yet to meet somebody who, during my constant moanings of their disappointing service, stops me to defend the company.
Every person who uses trains in Glasgow knows the usual ticket examiners that do their trains. There are a few who are always on your route, and you hate them all...fact.
It's as if in the job description for becoming a ticket examiner, being a heartless prick is an essential quality for all applicants. As if they're £10 per hour salary (approximately) isn't enough, they get paid commission on every single ticket they sell, hence why they are determined to prove your ticket is invalid.
Even when you have a valid ticket, such as a season ticket or zonecard, you always fear showing it to a ticket examiner as they always know how to pick a fault with it!
Although I believe the reason for such high pay for such a job is because after work, when they just go to the pub or something, everybody there recognises them as a prick from the trains and they're hated... They go to say £1 a drink somewhere and get charged like £5 per drink and when they ask why the barstaff jsut say "Should have bought your drink before entering the bar shouldn't you!"
I really don't understand that....why should you buiy tickets before boarding a train? The ticket examiners have the full facilities to sell you a ticket on the train, they are trained to do so, so why is it that you get charged extra?
That is another illogical idea from Scotland's biggest letdown....besides these.
On the subject of tickets, the country is in the middle of a recession, VAT is temporarily dropped by 2.5%, mass redundancies and job losses, people can't afford to spend, banks can't afford to loan and what do first scotrail do? They rise prices.
A return for me now from my village to Glasgow central, 25 minutes away, costs £5. That's the price of a return for a student who chose to stay 'locally' to his university....
The cheapest way to travel into university would be with a zonecard, which I believe all Glasgow students probably have, as it is far cheaper than any ticket first scotrail would give you.
But I guess when we are paying around £5 for a return and the ticket examiners get paid twice that every hour to do their job we can expect good trains on time? Ha!
I am begining to think that First Scotrail just deliberately cancel/delay trains for the fun of it? They are always late, or cancelled due to stupid excuses (best one is one Monday morning when we were asked to get off the train halfway into Glasgow as there was a "fault with the signal fault"....What exactly is a fault with a fault??)
The trains themselves are old and crap. I know most lines now have more comfortable trains, my line doesn't. We sit on these uncomfortable seats which are forever gettingg ripped off by the millions of school children which come on and feel the need to scream everything they say.
I just hate the company....Crap, heartless staff on old beat up trains which never run on time.

Fat People
I don't really know how to word my hate for fat people. It's not the fact that people are fat that annoy me, it's the fat people who either don't know why or don't accept blame.
To start, there's no such thing as "big boned"....if you say that, you're fat.
If you notice, fat people feel the need to blame absolutely everything on their weight apart from themselves. Like "I'm fat because working out doesn't make me lose weight"....Sorry, that's not 'how' you're fat, you're fat cause you you eat too much and when you do work out, you don't work out enough to burn off all the fat which you've eaten.
Fat people who blame the food.... where's the logic in that?
I hate how so many nice sweets and crisps etc. now taste crap because fat people who eat them and become fat complain that it's the food that's making them fat and so the manufacturers have to make like "fat free sugar free chocolate"...I DO NOT WANT HEALTHY SHITTY SUBSTITUTES, I want to eat the same unhealthy chocolate it always has been, and if by chance I start consuming enough of it so I put on weight, then instead of blaming the bars ingredients and making them change to accomodate my greed, I'll stop eating the fucking things and buy salad or some other healthy shit instead!
If you are fat, don't moan about a galaxy having too much fat in it or whatever, just don't buy the thing, you're fat you shouldn't be allowed it!
I saw a fat woman on the train the other day, now obviously everyone is entitled to use public transport and if one person just so happens to need 2 seats...bit selfish on a morning train but ok we'll allow it for the sake of this next point, the woman took off her jacket and jumper so she was just sitting engulfing the two seats she was on and her fat red disgusting arms and her belly were just pouring out her shirt exposing themselves to all other commuters. That's disgusting. She eat a packet of crisps by the way, showing her ignorance to how sickening she actually looked. It's jsut that attitude I hate, if you do ever get to a stage where you need to sit on 2 seats...why would you still eat packets of crisps and that? And you must realise how sickening you look....don't let everyone on a train see your obese stomach!
Taking this woman as an example, she never woke up one morning grossly overweight. So at some point in her life, she was fat, she was overweight to a level where she must have told herself "ok now I need to just stop consuming crap!" But now she's even more overweight, which means that she has grown even more, so instead of getting a grip of her diet and losing weight, she put it on by continuing to eat. Now I assume my ignorance to 'food addiction' makes it ahrder for me to understand but why would you actually let yourself ever get from that stage of "ok..too much, let's lose some weight here" to "i need 2 seats on a train!"
In short, fat people....Don't blame anyone but your own eating habbits. Don't buy fat free chocolate or anything, just don't eat unhealthy stuff. Don't moan, don't blame ...just lose weight.

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